Can CBD oil treat migraines?

by Jan 4, 2023Education

Can CBD oil treat migraines?

Migraines, a frequent headache type that can result in excruciating pain and other incapacitating symptoms like heightened sensitivity to light, nausea, vomiting, and pain while sneezing or coughing, can make carrying out regular tasks difficult. While there are a number of well-established migraine therapies, such as pills, injections, dietary supplements, and acupuncture, researchers are paying greater attention to cannabidiol (CBD) as a potential alternative. About every 10th person in Switzerland suffers from migraine.

How Do Migraines Occur?

Migraine triggers vary from person to person. Bright lights, noise, hormonal fluctuations, weather, fatigue, insufficient fluid intake, skipping meals or stress can trigger a migraine attack.

Typical migraine symptoms include:

  • Predominantly unilateral, throbbing or pounding headache
  • Moderate to severe pain that worsens with physical exertion
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Increased sensitivity to light, sound, and/or odor

A migraine is more than just a painful headache, and it has a complex and poorly understood etiology. According to research, migraines can be inherited, but they can also be brought on by a variety of circumstances and drugs, including:

  • female hormonal changes
  • Stress\Anxiety
  • strong odors
  • loud sounds
  • Flashing or bright lights

Research of CBD for Migraine Treatment

One of the most popular substances found in hemp and cannabis sativa plants is CBD. CBD by itself does not result in the intoxicatingly euphoric high that delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) produces.

Studies on CBD alone reveal the cannabinoid may be a useful choice for treating chronic pain. Axon Relief, a firm that creates products for migraine relief, ran a survey and discovered CBD may help reduce migraine days and the severity of migraines. The American Migraine Foundation claims that CBD oil may be an effective topical treatment for the neck and joint discomfort that is frequently linked to migraines, notwithstanding the need for more research in this area.

A Review of the current literature (link below) shows encouraging data on medicinal cannabis’s therapeutic effects on alleviating migraines in all of the studies reviewed. There have been both short-term and long-term positive effects of cannabis for medical purposes. It reduced dependence on analgesics, daily analgesic intake, and pain severity effectively.

How to Use CBD for Headaches

The optimum time to use it is just before a migraine starts.
When combined with other well-known migraine treatments, such as taking prescription drugs and relaxing in a dark, quiet place, may be helpful after a migraine attack.
CBD is a fantastic choice for migraine sufferers looking for a more all-natural treatment.


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